Jan 1, 2018

Wrapping Function

歌い方のひとつを意味する"rap"という単語と同じ発音ですが,wのついた方の"wrap"は「包む」という意味です.ではwrapping functionとは何を包む関数なのでしょうか.

Wrapping functionは,直線x=1上のすべての実数$t\in\mathbb{R}$が,
①Unit Square(単位正方形=原点(0, 0)を左下の頂点とする1辺の長さ1の正方形)
②Unit circle(単位円=原点(0, 0)を中心とする半径1の円)

① Wrapping Function of unit square

$W : \mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}^2 : t\mapsto (c, s) : W(t)=(c, s)$
ここで,W(t)=(c, s)は,点(1, 0)と(1, t)を結ぶ線分が(1, 0)を基点にして反時計回りにunit square(単位正方形)を包んだ先端の座標になります(t<0の場合は時計回り).

例えば,t=3のときは,(1, 0)と(1, 3)を結ぶ線分が(1, 0)を基点にして反時計回りに単位正方形を包むと,先端は(0, 0)に達するのでW(3)=(0, 0)になります.他の具体例をいくつかあげましょう.
W(1)=(1, 1)
W(1.5)=(0.5, 1)
W(2)=(0, 1)
W(4.2)=(1, 0.2)
W(-4.2)=(0.8, 0)

② Wrapping Function of unit circle

$W : \mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}^2 : t\mapsto (\cos{t}, \sin{t}) : W(t)=(\cos{t}, \sin{t})$
つまり,W(t)=(cost, sint)は,点(1, 0)と(1, t)を結ぶ線分が(1, 0)を基点にして反時計回りにunit circle(単位円)を包んだ先端の座標になります(t<0の場合は時計回り).

例えば,t=3のときは,(1, 0)と(1, 3)を結ぶ線分が(1, 0)を基点にして反時計回りに単位円を包むと,先端は(cos3, sin3)に達するのでW(3)=(cos3, sin3)=(-0.98999, 0.14412)になります.他の具体例をいくつかあげましょう.
W$\left(\frac{π}{6}\right)=\left(\cos\left(\frac{π}{6}\right), \sin\left(\frac{π}{6}\right)\right)=\left(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}, \frac{1}{2}\right)$

W$\left(\frac{π}{4}\right)=\left(\cos\left(\frac{π}{4}\right), \sin\left(\frac{π}{4}\right)\right)=\left(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}, \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\right)$ 

W$\left(\frac{π}{2}\right)=(0, 1)$
W$(π)=(-1, 0)$
W$\left(-\frac{π}{2}\right)=(0, -1)$

[Wrapping Function 問題]

Q1. Consider a special type of function called a wrapping function. This function, denoted by W, wraps a vertical number line whose origin is at R(1, 0) around a unit square, as shown at the right. With each real number t on the vertical number line, W associates a point P(x, y) on the square. For example, W(1)=(1,1) and W(-1) = (0,0). From W we can define two simpler functions:
      c(t)=x-coordinate of P,
and s(t)=y-coordinate of P.
a. Find W(2), W(3), W(4), and W(5).
b. Explain why W is a periodic function and give its fundamental period.
c. Explain how the periodicity of W guarantees the periodicity of c and s.
d. Sketch the graphs of u=c(t) and u=s(t) in separate tu-planes.

Q2. (Writing) Suppose the unit square in Q1 is replaced with the unit circle. Write a paragraph in which you describe how the wrapping function can
now be used to define the circular functions sine and cosine.



Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Mathematics for the IB Diploma
Ibrahim Wazir (Author),‎ Tim Garry (Author) : Pearson Education (22 Sept. 2008)

Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, Third Edition
James M. Van Verth, Lars M. Bishop : A K Peters/CRC Press (2015/9/15)

The Wrapping Function

Transformations in two dimensions

The Sine and Cosine Function

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